Monday, December 10, 2007

Dear God Letters of Worship

Inspired by Chapman’s book, Teaching Kids Authentic Worship, I first decided
to try one of her “Worship Moment” ideas when I taught at Cornerstone Christian Academy last year.

Imagine if you will a regal looking chair sitting at the front of the room, and a half circle of sweet little faces looking up at the Person seated in this chair. This class of first graders was told that a Special Guest had arrived, and was seated in the chair, and that He was God. They were then asked to speak “You are” statements to Him, telling Him all the things they admired about Him. Before they began, one little girl said, can we sit in His lap?. I said, I thought that He would think that was okay ☺. So one by one, these little ones “boldly approached the throne of grace”, and sat on their Father’s lap and whispered their words of admiration in His ear. It was the most precious time. What an amazing picture of worship.

Another one of Chapman’s suggested “worship moment” activities was to have children write “Dear God” letters, in which they were to pen “You are” statements that focused entirely on who God is without mentioning themselves. I included a few that were written last year by some of Cornerstone Christian Academy’s second and third graders as well as a few that were written this year by members of the God Gazers Worship Team.

Dear God,
You are the Perfect Lamb. You died on the cross for all sins. You rule over all. You made everything. You are Almighty. You are the best! I say these things in Your [name]. Skye (2nd Grade)

Dear God,
You are Our Savior. You are holy . You are Our Salvation. You are so cool. You are perfect. You are joyful. You are righteous. You are merciful. You are awesome. You are the best.. You’re the One who created us. You’re the King. You’re more important than anyone. You cannot sin or lie.
Writer known by God ☺ (2nd Grade)

Dear God,
You are merciful. You have worked in my heart. You are majestic. You are the One and only King. You give mercy. You died for everybody’s sins. You made people.
From, Jack (2nd grade)

Dear God,
You are merciful. You love us. You are majestic. You are everyone’s King. You died on the cross to save us from our sins. You gave us animals like tigers and an elephant. You gave us eyes to read your Word and ears so after we have heard it we can tell it too.
Nathaniel (2nd Grade)

Dear God,

You are so awesome! Your love is so amazing! You are forgiving. Your son has to be so brave to die for all the people on the Earth. No one is like You. You are so powerful. You are the Alpha and the Omega. Jehovah Jireh. You have all of Your followers wanting to be exactly like You! Our name is God Gazers for a reason. You are the strength of the world, the Rock, the Salvation, the Shield! You are the only living God. No one is like Him.”

Love, Your Servant, Logan (6th grade, God Gazers)

Dear God, You are so loving. You are so kind. You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are the Great I Am. You are the Creator of all mankind. You love no matter; big or small, white or black, smart or dumb, blonde or brunette. You know the past, present and future. You died on the cross. You sacrificed Your one and only son. You rose from the dead. You did hundreds of miracles. Yet, you still treat human beings as though they matter! You are totally amazing!
With all the love in my heart, Your servant, Lexi (6th grade, God Gazers)

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